Interactive Stories Apps

Whispers: Interactive Stories Invitation Code: 59612725

Last updated on 21st November 2023, Tuesday

Whispers: Interactive Stories is just as the name says, stories that are interactive so you can choose your own actions and routes according to the given choices.

If you are looking for the Whispers friend invitation code, here it is.

Whispers Invitation Code: 59612725

Whispers: Interactive Stories Apple Store App

Whispers: Interactive Stories Google Play Store App



You will be able to receive 1 Diamond to start you off after entering my invitation code: 59612725

I have to say, they are really stingy with this. 😅

Whispers is just like another stories app Chapters, which many of you are familiar with. Even the layout of the app and the rewards are quite similar.


Where To Enter Whispers Interactive Stories Invitation Code?

Rewards > Invite Friends (Earn more diamonds) > Get Rewards > Enter Invitation Code 59612725

Do note that Tasks and Rewards are only available within 7 days after login.

I have yet to log in so I am hoping it’s not “activated” yet, so the first to reply with an invitation code to my post, I will enter your friend invite code. 😉


There are Whispers Coins that can be exchanged for Choice passes, Keys that you need to read the stories, Diamonds for literally everything else.

Monthly (Daily) Check In Calendar:

More diamonds are actually given from the Monthly Check In Calendar, which you can check in daily and you should attempt to check in everyday so as to get the most out of it. You can receive Whispers Coins, Diamonds, Keys and even Passes from this. At the very least, try to check in for 28 days in a month so that you can get 400 Coins (7th Check In), 20 Diamonds (14th Check In), 600 Coins (21st Check In) and 30 Diamonds (28th Check In).
This can be gotten once every month so when the new month comes, everything resets.

If you fail to check in for certain days, like Chapters, you can use 5 Diamonds to check in for the missing day. The missing day that will be “checked in” is the day closest to your current day. For example, you did not check in on 1st May and 17th May, and today is 27th May. When you use 5 Diamonds to check in for the missing day, you will receive the reward for 17th May and it will be marked as checked in. It can only be done once a day so if you want the 28 Days reward and you are missing a few days to reach 28 days, you will need to use Diamonds to pay for those days, over a few days (depending on how many days you are short of).


There’s a current 7 Days Login For Rewards which gives a good number of diamonds. However, this shows me as Event ends in 13 days so I am not sure if it’s a promotional event or if it is just for newbies.

Starter challenges for newbies lets you get Whispers coins and passes, lasting for about 3 days.

There are also diamonds given for certain tasks like registration rewards and signing in. You can register with your Facebook, Google or Apple accounts. Completing tasks give you Whispers coins.

You can receive 2 Diamonds from watching 30s Ads every 5 minutes. If you are VIP, you can get more.


When you try to invite your friends, this is what is shown.

Whispers is an interactive story platform that brings your favorite stories to life!

Join Whispers today and enter the friend invitation code”59612725″ to get free diamonds!


I am still exploring this app and I do see some potential as the graphics seem to be not bad.

However, I won’t be able to continue for the time being even though I really want to read them, because of the way the stories are presented. ☹️ The whole visual shifts together with the words and images every time I tap on it. It literally gave me motion sickness a few minutes into the stories. Tried with two different stories and it’s the same. Never had this before with all other apps so it was a shock. I attempted another story again but my motion sickness won over the desire to read the story. Hope they will change this soon.


If you are still interested to try it out, use my referral code below for a boost in your diamonds to start your reading journey.

Whispers: Interactive Stories Invitation Code: 59612725


Will update this post if there are more good stuff to share.

Let me and other readers know if the stories are good if you don’t have the same issue as I do. 😅

Meanwhile, I will go explore another new stories app instead. 😆

Have fun reading! 📚


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