
Vaideology in Chinese (Taiwan First Edition)

Just saw Steve Vai on Hell’s Kitchen and recalled that I have yet to post this~

The first pics that I took with my new phone~ ❤️

The Chinese version of Vaideology that he coordinated for release~ 🤘🏻

Didn’t go online those few days and I totally missed the preorder so the limited edition first print with his autographed signature picks were already long out of stock by the time I realised~

I was so disappointed but luckily for me, when it comes to him, there is still a bit of luck plus way too much determination, and I managed to get it at an even lower price than original~ 🤩

If it’s not because of him, I wouldn’t get this in Chinese, as I glanced through and there was hardly anything I could understand~ 😅 Way below basic in guitar theory~ 🤪

Kinda proud of him~ 😍

Though I would prefer a music collaboration instead~ 🤟🏻

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