Lego Creator Robot – 31062
Finally I bought this and unpacked to build. A robot and a robotic dog, how to resist? 😂 I love the blue colour too. It’s quite a unique blue for lego. Can’t really tell what the third one is but I would assume it to be a robot too? my…
Cobwebs-A-Clearing~ XD
😘 Hello there~~~ 🕸 *coughs coughs* 🕸 🕷 Just made my way through the cobwebs that were formed since almost 2 years back… 😂 since my last post was in Jan 2016! 😱 Other than pushing it all to being busy and occupied with daily life, I admit I forgot…
Lego Series 13 Minifigures ~ they are awesome!
ok~ or most of them are… XD I shall start talking about the ones I like the least then proceed to the ones I like the most! Call me superficial but yeah~ I like pretty stuff and this Alien Trooper is not pretty to me or maybe Aliens are not…
One Piece Dance Battle ~ 02 (Mugiwara Characters)
There are two type of characters: 1) Leader 2) Crew Members For leaders, you can only have one. (of course~) As for crew members, you can have 5 of them. You can also recruit help (another leader) from friends or other users. Highly recommended to do so. Like One Piece…
One Piece Dance Battle ~ 01 (Dancing Mugiwara Crew)
I want to clear pictures in my phone due to the tons of pictures taken during Christmas, trip to SEA Aquarium and the Doraemon 100 Gadgets Expo so decided to share all the screen grabs here first. Started the game with a dancing Chopper~ Dancing Zoro~ Dancing…
One Piece Dance Battle – New Game!
Trying to use the WordPress app on my iPhone to post this so as to see if I can share my pics easily~ I wouldn’t be posting as much for this new One Piece game as I am playing but not that often too. Also, as it is a dance…
One Piece Treasure Cruise ~ 31 (Rewards Collection)
There is now a change in the place you collect your rewards from. It used to be from inside the app, but now you go to this link: to collect your rewards. On the first blank, key in your id (found on the top left of the screen when u try…
One Piece Treasure Cruise ~ 30 (Free Ancient Turtle Special)
There is a new Turtle Special where you can get a free ancient turtle just by doing the below. However, before going into that, I would like to know how many people actually read my blog or actually comes here to get tips on the game One Piece Treasure Cruise.…
One Piece Treasure Cruise ~ 29 (Upgrade materials – Turtles Special 9)
A-really-busy-me kind of super fast update~ New turtles special is here from 4th November to 9th November. Only purple turtles, sadly~ 🙁 As usual, each player is still entitled to an hour during that day and it’s a little complicated to know which hour you are entitled to. Check out the first turtle…
One Piece Treasure Cruise ~ 28 (Upgrade materials – Turtles Special 8)
A new turtles special is here again from 14th October to 19th October. Only purple turtles, sadly~ 🙁 As usual, each player is still entitled to an hour during that day and it’s a little complicated to know which hour you are entitled to. Check out the first turtle post: how to check…