No Photos?! Tip then~ XD 旅かえる Travel Frog/ Journey Frog – 27 Feb
旅かえる Travel Frog/ Journey Frog – 27 Feb
27th February 2018
モンスター Travel Blogs
No photos today?!! 😱
Wow~ where on earth are you man モンスター??
No photos, no updates. Purely clovers collecting day~
Ok then. It shall be tips day.
Meaning to say I will give you a tip for the game. A tip because I can only think of one at the moment.
If you don’t already know, this will be really useful.
As you have experienced, this is a very “slow” (relaxing) game.
I am (way tooooo) too impatient for that. Especially since I am used to fast games, battle games, games that I can play as much as I like.
Therefore, it is actually a good thing that this game can be “manipulated”. Since you literally have to wait for the clovers to grow in order to collect them, as well as wait (impatiently) for your frog to either send you photos or to come back from his/ her trip, it is great that you can actually:
Adjust the time on iphone/ android phone/ smartphone to a later time so that you can do/ get the things you want.
It’s definitely a should-do, since you won’t be awake 24-7, so while you are in dreamland, clovers and photos can’t be collected.
Clovers are fully grown in about 3 hours.
I usually set about one hour in advance each time to go in and collect items because I don’t want to waste too much time nor miss his friends’ visits, which I can get passes/ tickets for the lucky spin.
That’s it for now. I will add more tips if I can recall any. 😂
Is your 🐸 back? XD
– End of Day –
Journey to be continued…