Gamer For Life

Mr Love: Dream Date To Mr Love: Queen’s Choice – Gems Transfer

Hey guys, especially fellow Mr Love: Dream Date players and friends…

If you do not know already, the game will be closing soon. Yes, it will be shutting down in about a week’s time, on 6th June 2022 at 16:00 (GMT+7).

Thus, everything that have been earned and paid for will be gone. All our hard earned Karmas and level ups, all our gems, coins and energy, literally everything, even all the friends you have made in the game will be gone 🙁

I have been wanting to make a post on adding friends since I first started playing the game, about one or was it two years ago? I can’t even remember since time passes so fast, but it was delayed and postponed… as many people added me in the game.
Who knew that my first post on Mr Love: Dream Date will actually be this. Sigh… ☹️

Currently, before that dreadful date (6 June), you can still continue to play but after which, it will be shut down for good.

For those who want to continue playing the game, the company has encouraged everyone to play Mr Love: Queen’s Choice instead. It is available both on Apple iOS and Google Play Store and it is almost exactly the same, just that this version was made for the US. They are also actually way more “advanced” than us in stages and events already and it does not help that we have to start from scratch now.

The company has made it so that you will be able to transfer only the gems/ diamonds that you had (in Mr Love: Dream Date/ MLDD) on this date, 6 April 2022 16:00 (GMT+7) that it closed for new installs, to the new Mr Love: Queen’s Choice account that you have created. Meaning that the gems earned after that are not included in the transfer.

I delayed making this post because I wanted the actual whole experience of transferring my “MLDD diamonds” before sharing it. However, instead of making my diamonds available in my account within 30 days after I have applied, they have just changed it to within 30 days after the official shutdown which means after 6 June.

If you have been spending a lot of money, and your VIP exp level is high, you will be able to get some other gifts. You can check this on their twitter directly.

As their transferring explanation is quite misleading, I am going to explain it in my own words and ways.
Here I am going to do my best in explaining how to apply for the transfer of your diamonds to your new account in Mr Love: Queen’s Choice (MLQC), but since I have not actually received the diamonds from them, it is the best I can do.


How To Apply For Transfer of Gems From Mr Love: Dream Date To Mr Love: Queen’s Choice?

(*MLDD = Mr Love: Dream Date; MLQC = Mr Love: Queen’s Choice)
  1. You have to create a NEW Account in Mr Love: Queen’s Choice first.
  2. Take note (write down or screen grab) of your account ID and nickname in both MLDD and MLQC. Your ID and nickname can be found in your personal info (Click on your avatar icon on the top left) where your ID is numbers, and your nickname is what you named yourself in the game.
  3. Go to Customer Service of MLDD and click on Application Form. (Customer Service is also found in your personal info or on your login page, click on CS on top right.)
  4. Fill up the Application Form accordingly. It requires you to put in your MLDD and MLQC account ID and nickname.
  5. After the Application Form has been filled up and sent, you have to take note of your MLQC account in-game mailbox. You will receive a Verification Code mail in your MLQC in-game mailbox within 7 days.
  6. Open up your Verification Code mail and take a screen grab before pressing Confirm! **This is important because once you exit, that mail disappears!

This is what your Verification Code mail is like in your MLQC mailbox.

7. Once you have your Verification Code, go back into MLDD and message the Customer Service and ask them for a Verification Form. They will send it to you on the same page that you chat with them.

8. If you are a VIP user, locate your VIP Exp and take a screenshot of it, because you will need it in the verification form. Also, double check your VIP Exp against what you should receive from MLDD’s twitter account.
One way to find your VIP Exp is to Click on Events > Top Up Add Up Abundant Rewards Banner. I just checked and the banner is still there.

9. Go into the Verification Form that the Customer Service sent and fill it up.
You have to put in the Verification Code (that was sent to you in your MLQC in-game mailbox), your MLDD and MLQC ID and nicknames, the Type of souvenir gift package (check your VIP exp against their gifts on MLDD’s twitter) and the screen grab of your VIP exp (the screenshot I asked you to take in step 8).

10. Once you have submitted it, the customer service should reply with a short message saying they will check it. At least that’s what I got. 😊


Then it’s done! ✌🏻 All you have to do now is wait, while you continue playing MLDD or start playing MLQC.

As they have changed it, the gems and rewards will only be distributed within 30 days after the official shutdown of MLDD on 6 June 2022. Therefore, you will only need to check your MLQC account after that for the rewards. According to them, it will be sent to your MLQC in-game mailbox and it will be valid for 60 days only.


To be honest, the compensation by MLDD kind of sucks and I believe most of us would really prefer having our Karmas back than gems because it’s really very tedious to have to try to get the Karmas again, not to mention upgrading, star up and evolving them. Really dread the thought of it. 😔

I myself am not sure if I will actually continue to play Mr Love: Queen’s Choice even though I did download it and also applied for the transfer of gems, because it’s really frustrating to start everything from scratch. I do not like to reread the same old stories, and there is no way to skip them and also, everyone knows that without high Karmas, the game is not exactly fun, because you will get stuck easily and for a long time.

Also, I mentioned that Queen’s Choice is almost the same because I tried it out and there are a few differences in game play. You will notice them when you play, though they are negligible.

However, what I hate about it most of all is that, it LAGS. It lags between pages and loading and I hate that because you have to wait every single time you click on something. It is such a bad experience, especially when Dream Date did not have such an issue. MLDD was smooth and fast between loading and clicking, which was why I continued playing it in the first place, as i could get all the tasks done fast, even if all I wanted to do that day was completion of dailies.

I have no idea how the Queen’s Choice users survive this obvious lagging. My phone is quite new and still has tons of space so I do not think it is my phone’s issue, so unless they fix it, I really don’t think I will continue playing much.

Also, in MLDD, it’s easy to add and find friends but in MLQC, every single page of friends that I refreshed gave me a list of users whose last login was 365 days ago. 😅 This is why I thought of making a “Add Friends” post again but since I am not even sure if I will be continuing the game, I am also not sure if I should make the post/ list. 😬

Anyway, for those that are keen on continuing the journey with MLQC, and those trying to transfer those gems, hope my guide above is of help.
Do remember to do the transfer application asap, before 6 June.

I will probably take these few days left to try and use up all my items and see what calls, dates or messages I can get in MLDD.

All the best producers, and stay safe! 😷



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