May 2021 Check-in Daily Login Rewards – Chapters: Interactive Stories
There is a new Daily Login Rewards in May for checking into the Chapters: Interactive Stories app everyday.
Like I said previously, I think this should be a constant login rewards bonus since it has been repeating for a bit.
Therefore, in future I will just share the rewards and not so much into the details of how and where to claim it. I don’t want to keep repeating it every month. 😅
You will be able to check this and my previous posts if you are not sure.
If you are looking for a invitation code/ friend referral code, this is mine.
Invitation Code: 20s3y430
Or check out the below post:
Chapters: Interactive Stories Invitation Code Post
To access your Daily Login Calendar, and also to check out events, click on the Gift Box at the bottom on your homepage. It is the second tab from the right.
You will be able to see your May Check-in Daily Login Rewards Calendar under the Special tab.
This event runs for the whole month, from 1st to 31st May 2021.
You can check in daily for various rewards, like reading passes, choice passes, diamonds.
1st May – 16th May:
17th May – 31st May:
You will also be able to receive extra bonus rewards for checking in for cumulative days for 7, 14, 21 and 28 days.
The rewards are shown in the yellow box below.
Therefore try to make sure that you check in for 28 days in order to get the most rewards.
You will be able to use 5 diamonds to check in if you miss some days but as only the latest missed day is “checked in” when you try to backdate, it will take awhile if you miss many days.
For example, if it is 7th May today and you missed checking in on 1st, 2nd and 6th May and you try to backdate check-in today. It will check you in for 6th May with 5 diamonds. You would not be able to check in for 2nd May until tomorrow.
After you check-in for the day, the timer counter till the next check in time will be activated and shown so you will be able to know what is the daily reset time for you, according to the country you are in.
This is a good way to get diamonds and passes without spending so be sure to remember to login dally. It’s really fast so doesn’t take too much time.
If you want to check out previous posts on rewards calendar:
Chapters: Interactive Stories Spring Calendar
Chapters: Interactive Stories April Login Rewards
Chapters: Interactive Stories Christmas Advent Calendar
[Update] Chapters: Interactive Events and Special Location
Have fun reading and collecting. 📚🤓
Stay safe! 😷