Ikémen Vampire – My Friends Update
Last updated on 23rd July 2021, Friday
Hey guys,
Thanks for adding me as friends in Ikémen Vampire.
This is the new login page and I think it’s really quite nice. 😂 The only reason I screen grabbed it to post it here. 😆
Posting this because I just realised that I already have 45 friends to date, out of the maximum number of 50 so I can only accept 5 more friends requests.
I am not sure if I will be able to still receive friends requests once I hit 50. Or that you would not even be able to send your request through, as this is the case for events friends.
You can add me as a friend if you are planning to play this game or if you are already playing, add me too, by using my Friend Code.
Friend Code: P8AYSWUD3
If you are still able to send me a friend request when my list is full, then leave me a message that you are adding me from my blog so that I can remove inactive friends to add you.
If you are not able to send me a friend request (add me) anymore, leave me your friend code as a comment in my Ikémen Vampire – Add Friends post so that I can add you instead.
This way you will be able to share your own Friend Code for others to add you too. 😊
If you want to find out more about this game, you can also read about it here:
Meanwhile, enjoy reading. ❤️
Stay safe! 💪🏻