旅かえる (Journey Frog/ Travel Frog)

旅かえる Travel Frog/ Journey Frog – Friends’ Visits (Food/ おみやげ/ お土産) – Page 1

Last updated on 18th July 2022, Monday

Food/ おみやげ/ お土産 Likes

モンスター Travel Blogs


Although what you feed to froggie’s friends doesn’t really affect the number/ amount of clovers you get, still decided to keep a journal of what they like.

Usually I feed his friends food that I have in surplus of. It’s hard to keep track of what I have already fed, or screengrab so to keep this journal easier for myself, I will feed the three friends/ visitors food that I have at least 4 portions so that I get to keep one. Also, till I have fed all three different friends (turtle, bee and mouse), I won’t move on to the next food item.

After feeding the friends, you can click on the friend to see if they like the food.

Like I mention earlier, the food you feed them DOESN’T AFFECT the clovers you get in return.


Journey to be continued…

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