旅かえる (Journey Frog/ Travel Frog)

旅かえる Travel Frog/ Journey Frog – Buttons Guide and Lottery/ Gacha (ふくびき) – Page 1

Last updated on 18th July 2022, Monday

モンスター Travel Blogs


A buttons/ menu guide/ instructions and guide/ record of lottery tickets.

Buttons/ Menu Guide:


Inside the room (or outside the house, it doesn’t matter) on the top right corner, Menu:


First, it’s the FAQs/ Help Button:


The first button is the Settings for sounds.

Second button is “How to play” and the different options show you different parts of the gameplay, i.e. buying food/ items, photo album

Third and fourth buttons show the terms and conditions:

Fifth button shows sales terms and company information:

Last button is to leave them a review, in my case on Apple store.


Next, top left middle button, in the shape of a door:

Right button: You can access your photo album.



There can be a maximum of 10 pages, 6 photos in each page so total of 60 photos. Can’t be increased for now, hopefully can in future before I stop playing the game.

Left button:

On the left tab, you can access your special/ unique souvenirs that your frog brings back.

As you can see, I am left with 4 that are not unlocked.


On the right tab, you can access the food/ goodies that your frog has brought back before.

I only have a few left to collect.


Top left button:

First tab, this is where the food items you have bought/ receive (that your frog can bring on their journey) is stored.


Second tab, this is where the items are stored.


Third tab, this is where the lucky charms/ amulets aka omamori are stored.


Last tab, this is where the food souvenirs that your frog brought back from trip, that can be fed to visitors/ friends are stored.


Bottom right button: to go into house


Bottom top button: to access the shop to buy food or items for trip.


Inside the shop, Top right button: is where you can use your lottery tickets/ gacha to get special items.


Next up will be what items you can get from lottery/ lucky draw/ gacha with the tickets.

For lottery tickets, there are two ways to get them.

First of all is from buying items/ food in the shop and they are given to you randomly. Secondly, you can get them when you receive a mail and you watch an advertisement.


To be continued…

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